
Monday, 29 May 2017

Duck facts


  1. Hi Harman
    That is some Quacky info there.
    Next time try making it a bit more Intersting so it would
    hook the viewer.
    did You know that a male dock can also be called
    a bull?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Harman its me Noah um I was wondering what does Mallard duck mean.

  4. Hi Noah
    it's me Harman you have been wondering what a Mallard duck is.
    it's a female duck see you next time later Noah later.

  5. Hi Harman, my name is Sean and I go to Red Hill School. I really liked
    how you put lots of interesting facts in your slides. Maybe you could add a slide with the different types of ducks labelled. also thank you
    for sharing your work

  6. Hi Harman my name is Telmaj I am from Red Hill School.I want to say that work is great and I like that you put some fun facts about ducks. Also I like your little ducks as well.Thank you for sharing I enjoyed.
